Bravarsko cjevarski dio

Pored vlastite proizvodnje u kojoj je bravarsko cjevarski dio osnova proizvodnje, usluge nudimo i kao nadopuna ljudskih resursi na terenu.
U ovom dijelu raspolažemo sa do 40 djelatnika koji se prema kompetencijama nadopunjavaju te radni kadar prilagođavamo potrebama naših klijenata.
Djelatnici su osposobljeni za rukovanje viličarima, podiznim platformama, kranskim dizalicama te Flanschverbindugs monteure prema standardu EN 1591-4.

Industrijska montaža

Industrijskom montažom bavimo se od samog početka rada tvrtke Summa-con te smo do sada uspješno odradili više desetaka projekata. Aktivnosti industrijske montaže provodili smo te imamo iskustva u gotovo svim relevantnim industrijskim granama – autoindustrija, papirna industrija, drvna industrija, procesna industrija,...

Do sada smo surađivali sa:

  • Knauf Novi Marof
  • NDK d.o.o.
  • ZT Gebaude technik
  • AC Group
  • BA Bau GmbH
  • Caverion
  • Colas d.o.o.
  • Eco invest
  • Christof industries GmbH
  • JP Indutrieanalgen GmbH
  • OV Održavanje vagona d.o.o.
  • Ressenig Fahrzeugebau Gmbh
  • Pre Zero Polymers Austria GmbH
  • Staalbouw Mook B.V.
  • SKM Stainless Oy

Naši kapaciteti

U mogućnosti smo obađivati i proizvoditi dijelove pojedinačne mase komponenti do 12 tona te gaberite do 4,7 x 4,5 metara.
Trenutni maksimalni mjesečni kapacitet proizvodnje je do 70 t što je ovisno o tipu proizvoda.


For Suppliers and Third-Party Intermediaries

This COC defines the basic requirements placed on suppliers and third-party intermediaries of Summa con concerning their responsibilities towards their owners and enviroment. The supplier and/or third party intermediary declares herewith to:

Legal compliance 

Human rights 

To ensure respect of all internationally proclaimed human rights by avoiding causation of and complicity in any human right violations. Heightened attention shall be paid to ensuring respect of human rights of specifically vulnerable rights holder, such as women, children or migrant workers, or of (indigenous) communities.

When using private or state security forces, ensure that the human rights of employees and other rights holders are respected (in particular, no use of physical or psychological force, except in case of legitimate self-defense).

Environmental and climate protection, protecting of natural resources

Fair operating practices

Comply with the applicable export, import, customs and foreign trade regulations.

Responsible mineral sourcing 

Grievance mechanism 

Supply chain 
