For Suppliers and Third-Party Intermediaries

This COC defines the basic requirements placed on suppliers and third-party intermediaries of Summa con concerning their responsibilities towards their owners and enviroment. The supplier and/or third party intermediary declares herewith to:

Legal compliance 

  • Comply with the laws and regulations of the applicable legal

Human rights 

To ensure respect of all internationally proclaimed human rights by avoiding causation of and complicity in any human right violations. Heightened attention shall be paid to ensuring respect of human rights of specifically vulnerable rights holder, such as women, children or migrant workers, or of (indigenous) communities.

  • Prohibition of forces labor
    • Neither use nor contribute to slavery, servitude, forced or compulsory labor, oppression, exploitation and human
  • Prohibition of child labor
    • Employ no workers under the age of which compulsory schooling ends according to the law of the place of employment, provided that the age of employment is not less than 15 years or, in those countries subject to the developing country exception of the ILO Convention 138, employ no workers under the age of
    • Employ no workers under the age of 18 for hazardous work according to ILO Convention
  • Non-discrimination and respect in employment
    • Ensure equak treatment of employees, irrespective of skin color, race, nationality, ethnicity, social background, health status, disabilities, gender, sexual identity and orientation, marital status, political opinion, ideological or religious conviction, belif, or age, and promote their equal
    • Refuse to tolerate any unacceptable treatment of individuals such as mental cruelty, sexual harassment or discrimination including gestures, language and physical contact, that is sexual, coercive, threatening, abusive or
    • Refrain from unnecessary restriction on freedom of movement, except for safety and security
  • Freedom of association and collective bargaining
    • Recognize the legal rights of workers to form or join trade unions and to engage in collective bargaining; neither disadvatage nor prefer members of employee organizations or trade
  • Working hours & wages for employees
    • Adhere to all applicable working-hours and rest breaks
    • Pay fair, at least minimum, wages required by applicable
    • In the event of cross-border personnel deployment adhere to all applicable legal
  • Life, helath & safety of employees
    • Act in accodance with the applicable statutory and international standards regarding occupational health and safety and provide safe working conditions and, where applicable, adequate accommodation to safeguard health and wellbeing of
    • Provide training and insstruction to ensure employees are educated in helth and safety
    • Establish and apply a reasonable occupational health & safety management
  • Impact on communities
    • Refrain from unlawful eviction and/or unlawful deprivation of land, forest and
  • Security forces

When using private or state security forces, ensure that the human rights of employees and other rights holders are respected (in particular, no use of physical or psychological force, except in case of legitimate self-defense).

Environmental and climate protection, protecting of natural resources

  • Act in accordance with the applicable statutory and international standards regarding the
  • Minimaze environmental pollution and make continuous improvements in enviromental
  • Establish a reasonable environmental management
  • Not cause harmful soil change, water pollution, air pollution, harmful noise emission or excessive water consumption, which signifacantly impairs the basic existential needs or harms the health of a
  • Reduce waste and ensure their proper treatment and

Fair operating practices

  • Anti-corruption and bribery
    • Tolerate no form of and do not engage directly or engage directly or indirectly in any form of corruption or bribery and do not grant, offer or promise anything of value to a government official or to a counterparty in the private sector to influence officional action or obtain an improper This includes to renouncefrom giving or accepting improper facilitation payments.
  • Fair competition, anti trust laws and intellectual property rights
    • Act in accordance with national and international competition laws and do not participate in pricefixing, market or customer allocation, market sharing or bid rigging with
    • Respect the intellectual property rights of
  • Conflicts of interest
    • Avoid and/or disclose internally and to Summa con all conflicts of interest that may influence business relationships, amd to avoid already the apperance
  • Anti-money laundering, terrorism financing
    • Not directly or indirectly facilitate money laundering or terrorism
  • Data privacy and cybersecurity
    • Process personal dana confidentially and responsibly, respect everyone's privacy and ensure that personal data is effectively protected and used only for legitimate
    • Commit to have an adequate cybersecurity management framework established in its organization based on good industry practice, to ensure the confidentiality, authenticity, inegrity, and avalibility of dana, processes, products, systems and
  • Foreign trade regulations

Comply with the applicable export, import, customs and foreign trade regulations.

Responsible mineral sourcing 

  • Take reasonable efforts to avoid in its products the use of raw materials which originate from conflict-affected and high risk areas and contribute to human rights abuses, corruption, the financing of armed groups or similar negative

Grievance mechanism 

  • Provide access to a protected mechanism for their empolyees to report possible violations of the principles of this code of
  • Ensure protection of reporters or whistleblowers against any kind of

Supply chain 

  • Take reasonable measures to make its suppliers comply with the principles of this code of conduct and to verify this on a risk basis.
  • Comply with the principles of non-discrimination with regard to supplier selection and

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija – NextGenerationEU


SUMMA-CON d.o.o., Prelog


„Kroz inovacije procesa i organizaciju poslovanja do komercijalizacije inovativnog uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje društva SUMMA-CON“


Projektom se kroz komercijalizaciju inovacije uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje u ekološkoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji želi uspostaviti inovacija procesa u poslovanju. Kako bi inovativan uređaj za dezinfekciju zemlje doživio komercijalizaciju i eksploataciju, planirana je provedba aktivnosti inovacije procesa i organizacije poslovanja s ciljem uspostave tehnologije – uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje za konkurentnu proizvodnju. Navedeno za sobom povlači potrebu za ulaganja u materijalnu i nematerijalnu imovinu sukladno potrebama inovativnog proizvoda kao i ulaganja u popratne aktivnosti.

Inovacija procesa koja se uvodi u svrhu komercijalizacije predstavlja provedbu novih procesa – organizacije poslovanja i metoda proizvodnje (procesa modeliranja i projektiranja, proces rezanja, glodanja i savijanja, proces kontrole, proces premazivanja i zaštite, proces isporuke), primjena i način rada razlikuju se od postojećih.

Ciljana skupine koje će biti obuhvaćene projektnim aktivnostima su u prvom redu direktor poduzeća, zaposlenici, kupci i poslovni partneri te šira globalna zajednica.


Osnovni cilj projekta jest komercijalizacija inovacije uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje u ekološkoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, a kroz uspostavu inovacije procesa u poslovanju i organizacije poslovanja na svim razinama. Rezultat predmetnog projekta jest uređaj za dezinfekciju zemlje potpuno spreman za plasman na tržište, odnosno prodaju pri čemu će realizacija projekta doprinijeti pokretanju poslovne aktivnosti kao i pokretanju proizvodnosti.


1.426.066,01 EUR


695.607,52  EUR


20. lipanj 2023. god. –  20. kolovoza 2024. god.


Sadržaj ovog materijala isključiva je odgovornost društva SUMMA-CON d.o.o.

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija – NextGenerationEU


SUMMA-CON d.o.o., Prelog


„Kroz inovacije procesa i organizaciju poslovanja do komercijalizacije inovativnog uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje društva SUMMA-CON“


Projektom se kroz komercijalizaciju inovacije uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje u ekološkoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji želi uspostaviti inovacija procesa u poslovanju. Kako bi inovativan uređaj za dezinfekciju zemlje doživio komercijalizaciju i eksploataciju, planirana je provedba aktivnosti inovacije procesa i organizacije poslovanja s ciljem uspostave tehnologije – uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje za konkurentnu proizvodnju. Navedeno za sobom povlači potrebu za ulaganja u materijalnu i nematerijalnu imovinu sukladno potrebama inovativnog proizvoda kao i ulaganja u popratne aktivnosti.

Inovacija procesa koja se uvodi u svrhu komercijalizacije predstavlja provedbu novih procesa – organizacije poslovanja i metoda proizvodnje (procesa modeliranja i projektiranja, proces rezanja, glodanja i savijanja, proces kontrole, proces premazivanja i zaštite, proces isporuke), primjena i način rada razlikuju se od postojećih.

Ciljana skupine koje će biti obuhvaćene projektnim aktivnostima su u prvom redu direktor poduzeća, zaposlenici, kupci i poslovni partneri te šira globalna zajednica.


Osnovni cilj projekta jest komercijalizacija inovacije uređaja za dezinfekciju zemlje u ekološkoj poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji, a kroz uspostavu inovacije procesa u poslovanju i organizacije poslovanja na svim razinama. Rezultat predmetnog projekta jest uređaj za dezinfekciju zemlje potpuno spreman za plasman na tržište, odnosno prodaju pri čemu će realizacija projekta doprinijeti pokretanju poslovne aktivnosti kao i pokretanju proizvodnosti.


1.426.066,01 EUR


695.607,52  EUR


20. lipanj 2023. god. –  20. kolovoza 2024. god.


Sadržaj ovog materijala isključiva je odgovornost društva SUMMA-CON d.o.o.
